Sunday, October 25, 2015

Steam Game Review: Bit.Dungeon II

Steam Game Review: Bit Dungeon II

     With the latest explosion of independent game developers, the gaming industry has also seen a rise in retro-style graphics. Not only have "retro" games become a rather popular choice among gamers and developers alike, but the rogue-like genre has also seen a surge in popularity. That said, it's these factors that make "Bit Dungeon II" by Kinto Games an absolute no-brainer for entertainment when it comes to blending the retro feel with the "hardcore" feature of rogue-like games.

     First and foremost, if you are familiar with the NES days of old, the overall feel of the game, right from the get-go, is "Legend of Zelda." It follows the same formula with the player moving across the landscape with shifting blocks that resemble the different areas of the world map. In each of these areas, just like LoZ, there are enemies that constantly respawn upon re-entering them. Much like its predecessor, Bit Dungeon II also follows the "lacking storyline" approach as it gives no real indication as to what the player's purpose is, but that's what really makes this game so great. It draws upon this nostalgic feel, this idea that the player's imagination needs to kick in and fill in the holes, which in turn makes the experience simple but immersive.

   Now on to the real meat and potatoes of BD2. As the name implies "Bit Dungeon II" is a dungeon crawler. The setup, much like most of the other features, is in the likeness of "Legend of Zelda." The player needs to explore the various dungeons that dot the large world map, and in turn, seal them There are plenty of tricks and turns that will completely throw our nameless protagonist off course. Ultimately though, the player will have to solve puzzles and navigate through a maze of rooms in order to find the black "boss" key. Once found, it's time to take on the boss of that particular dungeon and conquer it, moving the player one step closer to sweet victory of beating the game.

     Now, this all sounds fun and somewhat like a rip-off of LoZ in the fullest, but its about to get so much better. Not only does the player have to seal each and every dungeon to beat the game, but they only get one shot to do so. Well... two, perhaps. Essentially the player gets two lives, one given at the start of the game, and one extra life to try and retrieve the bonus life given to them. If at any point the player loses both lives (dies twice), our hero is forced to restart completely over, losing all gear that was found along the way as well as any bonus stats that might have been accrued.

    On that note, the true depth of BD2 comes from the RPG elements that are incorporated. Ultimately, the player is on the biggest grind of grinds just to find bigger, better, badder gear. There is a plethora of options to choose from and this gives the player the ultimate freedom to create any type of champion that their imagination can muster. From the typical critical-striking assassin to the fire-spell slinging, shield-packing, axe-wielding nightmare of a heavily armed pyro-knight... the possibilities are limitless. Each item that is "dropped" gives stats to the player and each stat governs a particular trait. Again... there is no tutorial on this, so let the imagination run wild!

    This is the part where the cons come out, but honestly... aside from the slight and rare bug, here and there, BD2 absolutely delivers. Its replay value is through the roof, and although it can get somewhat frustrating at times, the very "risk/reward" model that BD2 offers is exceptionally gratifying. When it comes to dungeon crawlers/RPG/Rogue-like games, Bit Dungeon II definitely takes the cake and is guaranteed to leave you satisfied.

For more information on Bit.Dungeon II, or to buy the game for yourself, please visit:

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Steam Game Review: Culling of the Cows

Steam Game Review: Culling of the Cows

     As many of us are aware, the "indie developer" scene is exploding as of late when it comes to game creation. With so many independent companies trying to stake their claim in the gaming world, it's tough to keep track of games that are truly worthy of attention, versus those that are... well... just white noise. Among these developers is a company by the name of Decaying Logic, and they have created a unique take on the sidescrolling shooter with "Culling of the Cows."

     "Culling of the Cows" is game that is based around, you guessed, killing hordes of livestock that seem to have been infected or otherwise possessed by some strange force. Rather than feeding on hay or grass like their "more alive" brethren, the cattle of CotC prefer the taste of meat. Thankfully though, "God" and his newly appointed tool of destruction, Sammy, have something else in mind: to eliminate the existence of these flesh-craving, ravenous bovine zombie hordes. The entire game revolves entirely around this idea and it is very well executed in doing so.

     Through each level, the player is given the option to choose between several different types of ammo that range from the typical 12 gauge buckshot, all the way up to exploding rounds. These ammo types can be purchased with the in-game credits that are given to Sammy at the beginning of each level. Not only does Sammy old boy get credits at the start of each stage, but he also has the chance to earn more by supply drops. Supply drops give the player a random chance to get certain temporary upgrades, such as the aforementioned credits as well as ammo reloads or speed boosts just to name a few. On top of these supply drops (if the level permits) Sammy can call upon God to rain down various "miracles" which, in all honesty, is pretty much a full military arsenal to rain down death upon the infected livestock. The fun doesn't stop there though!

     Aside from all of the neat little upgrades and quirky buffs given to the player, there is also quite the selection of enemies. Some easy to kill like the typical black cow, while others... well... they need a little more "convincing" in order to admit defeat at the hands of our hillbilly protagonist. The levels are numerous and the entertainment value can be described as somewhat worthy. At times, the game will seem to get redundant, but it's definitely a must-have if you are in the mood for getting your hands dirty with a little mindless arcade "shoot to kill" action.

     As far as true replay value goes, there might be some to be considered. Given the short nature of the game, speed runs can most definitely be considered. Or... if you wanna try your hand at a perfect run on every level, that is most certainly an option as well!

   Overall, Culling of the Cows makes its unique mark on the Indie Dev world and although it is rather short in gameplay length, the features that are included make it well worth the price. Whether you are looking for a time killer, or wanting a new "speed run" challenge to compete with friends with, or even just looking for a good challenge to achieve that perfect score, CotC definitely delivers.

For more information on Culling of the Cows, or to download the game for yourself, please visit:

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Follow me on Twitter: @BTN_Gaming

Monday, October 19, 2015

Steam Game Review: Roller Coaster Tycoon

Steam Game Review: Roller Coaster Tycoon

     When it comes to the RTS (Real-Time Strategy) gaming genre, there are quite a few games that have left their mark. From the Command and Conquer series to Blizzard greats like Starcraft, or Warcraft, there are plenty of options when it comes to combat-style RTS games. Roller Coaster Tycoon, however, took things in a whole new direction and this is why it's in the spotlight for this BTN Gaming Review.

     Now Roller Coaster Tycoon, upon arrival, totally reshaped the way people look at RTS games. In fact, it really created a whole new sub-genre in the Real-Time category. While the player doesn't necessarily control every aspect of the game, they do have control over the most key features. This is just one of the many details that makes Roller Coaster Tycoon stand out from its predecessors. Another key aspect, and quite possibly the one that carried the most impact, is the simple yet detail-oriented style of play. It's a very relaxed game in the fact that there isn't an enemy on the map who is ready to pillage and plunder you for everything you've got, but that's not to say that it doesn't have its own edge. Roller Coaster Tycoon delivers its thrills in a much more intricate and subtle way. It's these exact features that make it a great game, while at the same time might give a newcomer some frustrations.

     For starters, Roller Coaster Tycoon's maps (campaign?) is a series of challenging theme parks that all have a certain goal that must be obtained. Whether it's building a brand new park from scratch, obtaining a specific park value, or even just to up the rating of an already thriving theme park, every single level in Roller Coaster Tycoon is wrapped around achieving these goals. Once these goals are achieved, a new map is opened up and the player can progress further on down the line. This is a great feature because it keeps the player interested with new scenes, new objectives, and really fills out the experience with the many different types of obstacles that can be overcome. However, it's this exact reason that might deter the more "casual" player. The reason for this is the simple fact that there is no sandbox mode. Not only is there the void of sandboxing but there is also this... nagging urge to just quit a park once the objective has been completed. If the player decides to save the current progress on any park once achieving the goal, they can return to it at any point in time.... but there really isn't much of a need to do so. This can severely cut the replay value of the game short, and while it isn't the biggest problem in the world, it can still be considered when arriving at the decision to purchase the game.

     While the goal-oriented gameplay of Roller Coaster Tycoon is great, jaded only by the lack of a sandbox freeplay mode, we can't forget the details. Literally, the details. Roller Coaster Tycoon is absolutely FILLED to the brim with detail-oriented time management, and it's in these details that Roller Coaster Tycoon really thrives. From being able to design the roller coaster of your dreams, down the simplest detail as simply painting every ice cream shop a different color, it's these little intricacies that drive the game. That said, it's also these very minute, albeit important, features can become daunting at certain points in the game. For instance, when it comes to building said "Dream Roller Coaster" the game will not allow it to be built unless all of the brakes and speedups are in the right place. Prices too high for ice cream? Well that will drive potential patrons away before you even get the chance to fix it. So with that said, it's quite easy to get lost in the details and if things start getting to difficult to understand, just remember: breathe and if all else fails, RESTART!

    On that note, however, there is also lack of any sort of tutorial or information that is in-game to help the player, should they feel lost. Don't get me wrong, I completely enjoy playing a game and feeling it out without any sort of help system at all. That's why I do what I do! But there are other players out there who don't want to mess around with understanding the mechanics or explore and experiment... simply put they want to achieve that goal for the next map. This is why some sort of help system within the actual framework of the game would be a huge help. For instance, your rating is dropping too low and you are just two months away from getting that coveted pat on the back for achieving an overall rating of 875 and you are sitting on 725. How do you get that rating up? Do you build more attractions? Do you lower the gate price? Do you run promotions? None of these answers are found directly in the game, not even in the help section. Thankfully though, there are pioneers out there who are willing and ready to write guides on issues such as this! That said, at least this information shouldn't be hard to find.

     Overall, Roller Coaster Tycoon is a great little game, especially if the player is just looking to relax and chill out with a non-stressful game. All of its features can be seen as a double-edged sword so to speak, and if you are planning on buying the game, just make sure to take these things into consideration.

For more information on this game, or to buy it yourself, please visit:

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Follow me on Twitter: @BTN_Gaming

Sunday, October 4, 2015

PC Game Review: Sim Theme Park

PC Game Review: Sim Theme Park

     As time presses on, technology advances, which in turn causes newer games with better graphics and "blow your mind" depth to be produced. With that said, it can become increasingly difficult to remember some of the older games that were just downright fun to play. No achievements to unlock, no multiplayer that will have you either crying or laughing maniacally... Just good old-fashioned fun.This is why Bring The Noise Gaming is taking a step back from modern games for a moment and focusing on the whimsical title: "Sim Theme Park."

     For those of you out there who remember Sim Theme Park (aka Theme Park World) the memories can be described as fond, without a doubt. For anybody who has yet to play this wonderful little game: DO IT! It's simple in most aspects, and honestly, that's what it makes it so much fun. The overall concept of the game consists of taking each of the four parks and developing them from absolutely nothing, into these grand designs that are a perfect blend of fun, economics, and majesty. The player can choose from two different starter parks, whether it's the Lost Kingdom or Halloween World and once the decision is made, it's time to start building!

     Regardless of the player's choice in theme, each park gets essentially the same mix of rides/sideshows/restaurants. It's these combinations that really make the game what it is. and the possibilities are virtually endless. In fact, if there is a certain type of ride or roller coaster (in some cases a specific type of shop) that the player is looking for, the opportunity will present itself eventually. This can be done by hiring researchers to find new ideas or concepts. Once the researchers are hired, just sit back and let them work their magic. Want them to work harder? Well, just go to the staff menu and crank up the heat on them until they get that most pristine costume shop that you have been waiting practically an eternity for! There's even sliders in the research tab that allow the player to dictate exactly what gets researched and what stays lost in the minds of the researchers... forever. Not feeling the "features?" Or perhaps your park just isn't ready for a roller coaster yet? Have no fear, all research progress can be stopped on the specifics and dumped into another ride or attraction until the time comes when you actually do need those features or roller coasters. 

     Speaking of roller coasters, Sim Theme Park's roller coaster construction is actually very simple. All it takes is just a little imagination, clicking the highlighted squares, add some ups and downs, then form the loop and BAM! you're done. That said, however, it can be quite the daunting task for people who don't quite get the idea behind roller coaster construction, and since Sim Theme Park doesn't have "pre-made" plans, the difficulty of the task can be misconstrued. That is one little downfall, but what it lacks in convenience, it more than makes up for in imagination. So don't be scared of a little creativity, get in there and get your hands dirty!

    On the subject of dirty... the one thing in this game that will drive anybody absolutely bonkers is the amount of complaints the player receives by the smallest amount of trash. From stink bombs, to low grade vandalism, to littering, to stinky bathrooms... Sim Theme Park makes sure to keep you on your toes when it comes to keeping janitors and security guards around and patrolling at all times. Add on top of that, the fact that your "adviser" is about as whiny and as annoying as they come... it can really make for some redundant annoyance. Thankfully, the adviser can be turned off in the settings menu, or if you  prefer... Just interrupt him and make him sarcastically clear his throat every time he starts to speak. Ahhh the thrills of annoying computer-generated beings that have no consciousness outside of the game... Anyways...

    There is one majorly annoying thing that anybody must consider before buying this game, especially for modern computers, and that's the simple fact that it will require you to get down to the nitty gritty when it comes to compatibility issues. There are fixes out there, and it will require some patience and the ability to follow step-by-step instructions on how to resolve these issues, but if you put the time in and are willing to do it... the reward is oh-so great.

    These here are just a few of the very many things that Sim Theme Park has to offer. If you are in the market for a nice wind-down game, or even just looking for a time killer that is easy to learn, then Sim Theme Park is definitely worth taking a look at. Again, however, no matter if you are looking for just a game to kill time on, or if you are looking for a dose of nostalgia, make sure you do the homework required (BEFORE PURCHASING!) on exactly what it will take to get this game running on your modern day PC.

To buy "Sim Theme Park" for PC, please visit:

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