Multi-Platform Game Review: Titanfall
While EA (Electronic Arts) is known mostly for their sports games and their quite successful "Sims" series, they have quite a few other blockbusters that they have cranked out. Among these titles is that of "Titanfall," which will be the focus for this BTN Gaming Game Review.
Titanfall, upon it's release, was a refreshing change to the fast-paced and competitive FPS scene. The idea that the player could rack up points to summon a giant robot from the orbits of space is without a doubt an intriguing idea. In fact, that's what makes Titanfall so much fun in the first place... Well that and the fact that the player can run and gun with a jetpack, as well as some crazy wall climbing maneuvers. Add that to the fact that the player can also climb on to a Titan and "rodeo" it, all in the hopes of ultimately bringing the multi-ton beast to its knees, and there is a game that presents itself as big and as epic as the Titans themselves.
To go into a bit more depth on Titanfall's gameplay style, it packs a bit more punch than the average "team deathmatch" of pretty much any other FPS out there. The player is given the option to either engage enemy "Pilots" (aka other human players) or take the fight the game's A.I. counterparts, whether it's "grunts" or "spectres." Granted, Pilots grant the player more points towards the spawn of their Titan, but the grunts and spectres provide a bit more cannon fodder for those times when pinning down an enemy pilot is sluggish. Another great addition in the gameplay (and possibly the BEST addition to combat) is the fact that the player can hop up into their gigantic steel beast of carnage and go toe-to-toe with the enemy titans, which can lead to some pretty messy fights. Ultimately, it's this concept that makes Titanfall what it is: absolutely crazy and unpredictable.
As mentioned above, the point system and the actual concept of calling down a metal behemoth is exciting, but the next point of focus is the wall-running, double-jumping, frenzy-causing idea of the anti-gravity suit. This idea pretty much adds a whole new depth to the way the player is allowed to fight. Now instead having to worry about just running and gunning, the player is given the privelage to perfomr some highly skilled maneuvers. The options are endless and the maps provided in Titanfall give an extremely large "arsenal" of buildings and surfaces to exploit for every advantage thinkable and/or unthinkable.
Titanfall also offers two different types of in-game currency: "credits," which can be used to purchase icons and other goodies from the black market; and "burn cards" which are a combat currency that amp up the player's abilities in various ways. The player can use the credits earned to also buy more burn cards, or even sell burn cards to the black market to get more credits. Everybody can get rich in one way or another!
While the Titans make for intense battles, and the combat system makes for an immersive and creative way to make that money, there is one aspect of Titanfall that EVERYBODY should be concerned with: The Smart Pistol. This one item, this very miniscule detail, is absolutely detrimental to the gameply of Titanfall. Why? Because it takes the idea that "skill is required to play" and chucks it right out the window. This one weapon (although I'm sure intended to be a good tool for beginners) completely trashes the skillcap aspect of the game. Sure, there are ways to get around it and even minute ways that one can use the smart pistol to their advantage, but all it seriously takes about three seconds of steady aiming and anybody is dead to rights. Again... This weapon was probably intended to guide "noobs" through the game until they could get the hang of running and gunning, but it's become more of a hindrance, than a help. For crying out loud, it doesn't take ANY skill whatsoever to just wait a few moments for the pistol to lock on to a target and pull a trigger. Anybody can do that, including my year and a half old rabbit who doesn't know a controller from a head of lettuce. EA made a huge mistake catering to the "FPS handicapped" with this weapon and in my honest opinion ruined the maximum potential that Titanfall could have had.
All in all, Titanfall is a great game and the action is so fast paced that it will cure the average adrenaline-junkie's fix. The game is definitely worth adding to your game collection if you are in the market for a unique competitive FPS. Buyer-Be-Warned, however, because the smart pistol with make quick work of ruining the game if you let it get to you.
P.S. If you use the smart pistol... GET A REAL GUN! :P
For more information on Titanfall, please visit:
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