Steam Game Review: Eron
Since the blowup of the "Indie Dev" scene there have been many successes, many mediocres, and plenty of flops. In this "BTN Gaming Review" we are going focus on "Eron" by Red Splat Games which, unfortunately, falls into the category of mediocre at best.
This game called "Eron" really strives to add a new perspective on Platform games. It does a pretty good job for the most part. It uses a feature that makes the player have to shift between realms in order to complete the levels. The controls are rather simple as it uses the keyboard arrows, space bar to jump and Shift to well... shift. Now upon first glance, it's easy to see that it is inspired by the olden times of Atari and that is a wonderful starting point. It makes the player almost feel like they are holding that oblong, awkward controller as they make their way through the levels. The "shifting" aspect of Eron is unique and it really makes the player think on how to approach each obstacle. Each movement needing to be calculated and precise, otherwise the poor tribesman of the planet is sent right back to the beginning to try it once more. Although this can be frustrating, it pays a certain homage to the games of old, which is also a nice touch.
The overall challenge of Eron can be described as both irritating and satisfying. Games today seem to be drifting to the edge of boringly tired in order to reach out to a broader crowd. Eron, although simple, is in fact a challenge to work through and though it may get more than frustrating at times, it's exceedingly rectifying when a level is finally conquered. Combine the simple controls with this fact and there is so much potential for Eron to become a truly great game.
Now, on to the reasons why this little game can't quite make the cut. For starters, there is very little story. The only story that the player gets is in the Steam store page and even then, it's just a little snippet. There is no true development. This is sorely detrimental because although the environment tells a little bit of that story, there's no real element of purpose as to why the protagonist needs to carry on. It slowly becomes a mundane challenge of overthinking levels and dealing with the frustrations of failing more than succeeding. By no means should the game be easier, but there should be some sort of motivation put in place for the player to feel like there is progress being made.
While story would add some motivation to the overall gameplay, the idea of adding some sort of "enemy" or even active ability to compliment the "realm shifting" would add so much more depth to the interaction between player and environment. This in turn would help the levels fortify a story as well. From the Steam store page, the story snippet explains that Eron is being destroyed, but destroyed by what? Is it self-imploding? Is it an invasion? Is it an infestation of a nuisance gone out of control? There is nothing in the levels that clarifies this. That is why a hostile element would a welcome addition.
The final reason as to why Eron falls short of a stellar review is the simple fact that there are numerous glitches or bad environment interactions. The idea of causing the black spheres to rocket jump the player is great, but sometimes, even though hit perfectly, there is a disconnect between the jumping player and the sphere. Add to this the fact that there are places in the game where the player can be stuck in "permajump," unable to move whatsoever makes it difficult to play without the need to add that frustration.
Given all of the information above, Eron has so much room to grow, and Red Splat Games has a great idea. All they need to do is expound on it and show Eron a little more love. Work out the kinks, the glitches and bugs. Try adding some sort of story-driven concept and/or possible a "hostile" environment aspect. Once those are in place and perfected, there is no doubt that Eron could be all that it was intended to be: a modern day homage to Atari Platform games.
For more information on Eron, or to buy it for yourself, please visit:
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